a film by Luca Lucchesi
Alciòn, Eolo Film Productions, A Little Confidence, Hella Wenders Luca Lucchesi GbR
in development
Documentary - 92 minutes - Germany, Italy 2020
German Human Rights Film Award 2022
For many centuries, in a small town on the southern border of Europe, people have been worshipping a statue of a black Jesus. 19-year old Edward from Ghana, guest of the refugee center which is the subject of great debate in the village, asks to carry the statue in the annual procession and to stand next to the white locals that bear its cart. The community is divided. On a journey exploring the source of fear and prejudice against "the others", the inhabitants of this small European village are called upon to question their own identity, starting with the very icon of their own belief: a Black Jesus.
Documentary - 15 minutes - France, Turkey 2011
A short documentary about love. Showcased at Cannes Critics' Week 2011 as part of the Istanbul Express project. by Nisi Masa.
Documentary - 3 minutes - Germany, 2020
Filmed in Berlin during lockdown, this is a small portrait of my family produced by German TV channel rbb. Co-directed with Hella Wenders.